Book Review For: Dirty Little Secret Kendall Ryan


Dirty Little Secret (Forbidden Desires Book 1) - Kendall Ryan

‘Dirty Little Secret’ by Kendall Ryan is the First Book in the New Series called “Forbidden Desires”. This is the story of Emma Bell and Gavin Kingsley and there story doesn’t end with this book. It continues into book Two “Dirty Little Promise” So there will be a cliffhanger at the end of this book.
Emma is a Librarian who is just getting back her life after after about a year ago she got away from her controlling and abusive boyfriend. In that time she has been going to a coffee shop were Gavin too is going. They have never spoken and this goes on for several months. Gavin has turned into Emma’s dream about boyfriend. When she thinks he leaves her his business card in the tip jar she starts to research him and that leads her to his company. Gavin runs a Expensive Escort Service. There she meets Cooper who is Gavin’s younger brother and Quinn the older brother Cooper is friendly and outgoing where Gavin isn’t. Cooper talks Emma in being a face of their business by going to social scene with him and Gavin. So she goes out with each guy to whatever social scene they have to help promote the business. Emma’s attraction for Gavin is just growing. While Gavin is finding it harder to ignore Emma. But Emma looks like an old Girlfriend that ended up dying. In addition, what Cooper thought he would get with this ideal was to bring Gavin back to who he used to be….but Cooper is finding himself starting to have feelings for Emma.
Loved this book and cannot wait for the next book!!!!
“My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read.”


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